Inside Out: Ministry of the Thorn by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we come to our final message in this series. We have learned about the difference between stress and trauma and how to help others, especially children and teens, through traumatic events in life. This weekend, we will talk about the purpose of suffering itself. God used suffering in Paul’s life to refine and sharpen him, to give depth to his message, and to make him more like Christ. The title of this weekend’s message is “INSIDE OUT: MINISTRY OF THE THORN”.

Inside Out: Growing Pains by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will turn our attention to the kids and teenagers in our lives. The Christian life is not only about us making it through difficult times. We are to help those around us as well. This is never truer than with the young minds that God has entrusted to us. Our next installment in this series is titled “INSIDE OUT: GROWING PAINS.”

Inside Out by Abidan Shah, PhD

We are often our own worst enemies when it comes to our interactions with others. God’s Word, however, reminds us that there is hope. Through Christ, we can build meaningful relationships and reflect God’s character to those around us. Throughout this series, we will deal with internal issues that make it difficult for us to connect and interact with others. The goal will be at the end of this series to make Christ visible in our relationships!

Operation Fortify: Part 1 by Dr. Abidan Shah

OPERATION FORTIFY – 1 by Dr. Abidan and Nicole Shah, Clearview Church, Henderson, NC Introduction:  In ancient times, how well a settlement was fortified gave evidence to how important that settlement was. Nicole and I have been to Mycenae, Greece, with its massive cyclopean walls, and to Megiddo and Dan where they had offset-inset walls. The purpose... Continue Reading →

Operation Restore by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are beginning a very special two-part miniseries on marriage. We see in Genesis that God created marriage to be a beautiful union between a husband and wife, but very quickly things begin to fall apart. In this series, we will examine what went wrong and how we can work to get back to God’s original design for marriage. The title of this weekend’s message is “OPERATION RESTORE PART ONE.”

Family Resemblance by Dr. Abidan Shah

In this first message, we will focus on Peter’s reminders to both wives and husbands regarding how they ought to treat one another. Peter wants his readers to understand that they ought to model themselves after their forefathers, Abraham and Sarah, rather than the world around them. As we are living in exile today, this message is true for us as well.

Essential by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will begin a brand new series in the book of Ephesians. This series will not only show us the importance of the church in our own lives, but how it shapes and molds our family relationships as well. The title of this new series is “ESSENTIAL.” 

Life Between Posts (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

You’re scrolling through your favorite social media and you see the perfect picture with perfect smiles and perfect clothes with a perfect background. To top it all off, its accompanied by a perfect caption, including hashtags like #lovinglife #love #loveus #happiness #sohappy #perfectday #forever #natural – What do all these hashtags and the posts and pictures that accompany them have in common? They are deceiving. They only give a partial, wishful, and concocted glimpse of life. I wish people would also add these hashtags to their posts and pictures– #pleasethinkImhappy #pretendwithmethatallisfine #IwishIfeltlikethispicture #Iwishwecouldalwaysbethishappy #justhadafight #abouttohaveafight #tookme20triestogetthispicture.

Changing Seasons of A Marriage (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

CHANGING SEASONS OF A MARRIAGE (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah (Published in the newspaper Daily Dispatch, Henderson on February 3, 2018)  Genesis 8:22 “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season…” We all have our favorite seasons.... Continue Reading →

Love is Liberating by Pastor Abidan Shah

In the concluding message titled “Love is Liberating,” Paul reminds the Corinthians that true love never ends. It doesn’t have any limitations. It doesn’t use any threats and fears. In fact, it brings a sense of freedom that allows the other person to flourish and love back without any barriers.

Favorite Books on Marriage – Marriage, Family, and Beyond Vlog by Abidan and Nicole Shah

Marriage, Family, and Beyond: Favorite Books on Marriage by Abidan and Nicole Shah - This is our third vlog (Video Blog) on daily life issues. We don't claim to have all the answers or even the best answer but we hope to give a biblical perspective on life issues. This one covers the books that have made the biggest impact on our marriage. Let us know what you think.

New Vlog: Marriage, Family, and Beyond – Abidan and Nicole Shah

Marriage, Family and Beyond: Date Night by Abidan and Nicole Shah - This is our very first vlog (Video Blog) on daily life issues. We don't claim to have all the answers or even the best answer but we hope to give a biblical perspective on life issues. This first one covers the importance of dating in a marriage relationship. Let us know what you think.

Taking Resentment Out of Marriage

When Jesus raised the bar on divorce, he chastised the men for refusing to give a certificate of divorce to their wives. The reason for failing to do so was not lack of knowledge or forgetfulness but bitterness. They wanted to make the other person suffer.

Unfortunately, the same spirit is evident in many marriages today. In this message we will learn how to release resentment and allow God’s grace to flow through our marriages.

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