Inside Out: Ministry of the Thorn by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we come to our final message in this series. We have learned about the difference between stress and trauma and how to help others, especially children and teens, through traumatic events in life. This weekend, we will talk about the purpose of suffering itself. God used suffering in Paul’s life to refine and sharpen him, to give depth to his message, and to make him more like Christ. The title of this weekend’s message is “INSIDE OUT: MINISTRY OF THE THORN”.

Inside Out: Growing Pains by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will turn our attention to the kids and teenagers in our lives. The Christian life is not only about us making it through difficult times. We are to help those around us as well. This is never truer than with the young minds that God has entrusted to us. Our next installment in this series is titled “INSIDE OUT: GROWING PAINS.”

Death Dethroned: Heaven by Abidan Shah, PhD

For this Easter weekend, it is fitting that we turn our attention to heaven. There are many misconceptions about heaven, with some people even taking Bible verses out of context or misinterpreting them. We have already learned about the bodily resurrection coming one day, but where will those bodies go and what will it be like there? We will answer these questions and more in this final message of our series.

Partakers by Abidan Shah, PhD

Last weekend, I began a new series titled “ON TRACK” that will help us grow in our spiritual disciplines. We learned that unchecked desires lead to a life that is off track. This weekend as we celebrate communion together, we will learn what it means to have the nature of Christ. We are human, and yet if we are believers the Bible says that we share in the divine nature. What does that mean? We’ll uncover that and more this weekend in our message titled “PARTAKERS”.

Table of Nations: Part 3 by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will continue to examine the generations that followed Noah and their movement through the ancient world. One figure loomed large during that time in history: Nimrod. His desire for power and conquest made him a notable figure in his day. Despite his military prowess, his reign ended, and his influence along with it. Christ, however, still reigns eternally! The title of this weekend’s message is “TABLE OF NATIONS PART 3.”

Devoted by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, I want to preach a message on serving in spite of trials. Throughout Scripture, we are met with examples of men and women who continued in faithful service in the face of adversity, one of the most notable examples being Paul in his journeys. With our ministry expo this weekend, we have the opportunity to display the same obedience in our lives. The title of this weekend’s message is “DEVOTED”.

Intercede by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be diving into the subject of prayer. We will learn some common misconceptions about prayer and take a look at what the Bible says our prayer lives ought to look like. Prayer is a vital part of our spiritual health and if neglected, can produce some harsh consequences. The title of this weekend’s message is “INTERCEDE.”

Church-Autopsy: Paralyzed by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are examining the sixth church in the book of Revelation: Philadelphia. The church was doing many things well but was locked in fear and failed to take opportunities that God presented them. Fear can blind us to God’s plan and prevent us from stepping out in obedience. That was true for the church in Philadelphia; is it true for you as well? The title of this weekend’s message is “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: PARALYZED.”

Church-Autopsy: Mutilated by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are studying the third church listed in Revelation: Pergamum. The church in Pergamum on the surface was holding up against persecution and false teaching. However, twisted and harmful teachings had begun to creep into the church and twist the doctrine. Wrong doctrine is harmful to every area of our lives because it corrupts and distorts what we believe about God. This weekend’s message is titled “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: MUTILATED.”

Church-Autopsy: Fainthearted by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are studying the second church listed in Revelation: Smyrna. Smyrna was facing tremendous hardship and was in danger of falling to the pressure and fear of persecution. God reminded them of the importance of standing up under that pressure and remaining faithful. We will learn from their example how to stand firm in the face of trials and what the reward is for a life of obedience. This weekend’s message is titled “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: FAINTHEARTED.”

Church-Autopsy: Heartsick by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are looking at the church in Ephesus. Jesus brings a serious charge against them: they have lost their first love. They were checking all the right boxes but for all the wrong reasons. The problem for them wasn’t an external behavior but an internal reality. The title of this weekend’s message is “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: HEARTSICK”.

Anastasis: Demonstration by Abidan Shah, PhD

This Easter weekend, we are continuing our series titled “ANASTASIS” as we examine Jesus’ resurrection and its impact on us. The idea of resurrection is found throughout Scripture, but never so prominently as the empty tomb at Easter. While this is something we often talk about, we likely understand very little of how this impacts our lives and changes our future. This weekend’s message is titled “ANASTASIS: DEMONSTRATION”.

Generations: Impacting by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are going to look specifically at Gen Z and Generation Alpha. These are our children and grandchildren and the ones currently most in touch with the culture around us. We cannot afford to misunderstand or neglect these generations, because the world is aiming for their minds and hearts. If we can understand Gen Z and Generation Alpha, not only can we impact them for the gospel, but equip them to impact the world around them. This weekend’s message is titled “GENERATIONS: IMPACTING”.

Deceived by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are focusing on Sarai giving her maidservant, Hagar, to Abram in a mistaken attempt to protect God’s promise. Sarai thought she was helping God but in reality, she had been deceived into thinking God’s plan was in jeopardy. The serpent was again attempting to thwart the arrival of the Man of Promise, but still, God made a way and protected his plan. The title of this weekend’s message is “MAN OF PROMISE: DECEIVED.”

Man of Promise by Abidan Shah, PhD

Abraham and Sarah are often depicted as this no-name family moving from Ur to God’s Promised Land. However, they were much more than just wanderers. Abraham, Sarah, and others around them knew something was going on, that God’s plan was in motion. They could see God blessing them and protecting them as they followed His plan in obedience and faith, ultimately leading to the birth of Jesus. The title of this weekend’s message is “MAN OF PROMISE.”

Legends by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, as we continue to learn about Noah and the flood, we will compare the biblical account to ancient myths and mythologies from cultures around the world. The presence of other flood narratives might seem strange, but when we look closer we will find proof of the authority of God’s Word in these “LEGENDS”.

Domain by Abidan Shah, PhD

If you have been following this series, you know that we have been in the book of Genesis for quite some time. There is simply so much to answer from the text and so many questions people have related to God, creation, and the first chapter of human history. This weekend, we will examine an age-old incident from the history of the world and determine what this passage means for us and our understanding of Scripture. This weekend’s message is titled “DOMAIN.”

Rivalry by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be looking at the account of Cain and Abel. This tragic first pair of siblings has raised many questions in people’s minds over the years. There are details from the account that are flagged as examples of the Bible containing errors. Through this message, we will not only learn more about Cain and Abel, but will be able to defend the authenticity of the Bible. This weekend’s message is titled “RIVALRY.”

Integrity by Dr. Abidan Shah

INTEGRITY by Dr. Shah, Clearview Church, Henderson, NC Introduction:  This weekend being President’s Day weekend, we were discussing what would be a message we all need to hear. Somebody suggested that it should be on “Integrity in Leadership.” How many of you would agree that we need some integrity in our nation’s leadership? How many... Continue Reading →

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