Inside Out: Growing Pains by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will turn our attention to the kids and teenagers in our lives. The Christian life is not only about us making it through difficult times. We are to help those around us as well. This is never truer than with the young minds that God has entrusted to us. Our next installment in this series is titled “INSIDE OUT: GROWING PAINS.”

Tracking: Target by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will examine the end of Peter’s list of characteristics to track as you grow closer to God. It is no coincidence that the list ends with love. While we might know that love is important in the Christian life, we likely do not realize the role it has to play in spiritual discipline. What is the significance of these different traits all leading to love? We will find out in this weekend’s message titled “TRACKING: TARGET”.

Furnish by Dr. Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will continue our study of 2 Peter as he lays out for his readers the process of sanctification. Often, we are just haphazardly making it through the Christian life, trying anything we think will work and will bring us closer to God. What we don’t realize is that the things we are trying to force to work in our favor actually end up hurting us. We must allow God to refine us and remind us that Christ is the one who will help us navigate life. The title of this weekend’s message is “FURNISH”.

Table of Nations: Conclusion by Abidan Shah Ph.D.

We have been in our series titled “TABLE OF NATIONS” as we have examined the genealogies of God’s people through the Old Testament. On every page of history, God has been in control. These genealogies ultimately point us to Christ, the promised Messiah and savior of the world. The genealogies of Jesus present in the gospels show God’s providence throughout the ages and remind us that God is in control of our lives. The title of this weekend’s message is “TABLE OF NATIONS: CONCLUSION.”

Blessed: Part 2 by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will turn our attention to the blessing of parenting. We know what it means to be a parent, but what does it truly look like to parent in a way that points our children to Christ? This message applies to all of us whether you are parents or not. God has entrusted children to us to lead, guide, and help shape into the people he would have them to be. What greater calling is there? The title of this weekend’s message is “BLESSED PART 2.”

Circles by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will turn our attention to the story of Job. A familiar one in Scripture, Job experienced profound loss and tragedy, leaving him in a state of mourning. However, Job did not suffer alone but was visited by his three friends who stayed with him in his grief. We are called to live life alongside one another, helping each other through both good and bad times. Small groups are one way to do that and are an important part of church life here at Clearview. The title of this weekend’s message is “CIRCLES”.

Cities of Refuge by Abidan Shah, PhD

In Joshua’s day, God commanded the Israelites to establish places where people could go who were in trouble or needed help. These cities served as beacons to those who would run into them and find refuge and solace. Church, small groups, and Christian connection should function the same way. This is especially true for small groups. They have a unique ability to uplift and edify believers while connecting them to the church. The title of this weekend’s message is “Cities of Refuge.”

Church-Autopsy: Death’s Door by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are examining the fifth church in the book of Revelation: Sardis. At the time of Revelation, Sardis had gone the way of many churches today. They had a positive reputation but, they were spiritually dead. They were warned to wake up or be snuffed out completely. This is the case for many of our churches today. We, like Sardis, need to wake up and return to God! The title of this weekend’s message is “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: DEATH’S DOOR.”

Church-Autopsy: Heartsick by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are looking at the church in Ephesus. Jesus brings a serious charge against them: they have lost their first love. They were checking all the right boxes but for all the wrong reasons. The problem for them wasn’t an external behavior but an internal reality. The title of this weekend’s message is “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: HEARTSICK”.

Catching Zs (Article)

CATCHING Zs (Article) by Abidan Shah, PhD (Published in the newspaper Daily Dispatch, Henderson on March 24, 2023) No, I’m not referring to taking a nap. I’m referring to understanding and reaching the generation born between 2000-2015, otherwise known as Z. They are often mislabeled, misunderstood, and mocked. Parents want to know how to motivate... Continue Reading →

Generations: Intergenerational by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will conclude our series by looking back at everything we have learned. The goal of this series was not to divide, but to inspire us to come together across generational lines. We are most effective for God’s kingdom when we stand together, utilizing our individual strengths to glorify God and make him known. This weekend’s message is titled “GENERATIONS: INTERGENERATIONAL.”

Generations: Impacting by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are going to look specifically at Gen Z and Generation Alpha. These are our children and grandchildren and the ones currently most in touch with the culture around us. We cannot afford to misunderstand or neglect these generations, because the world is aiming for their minds and hearts. If we can understand Gen Z and Generation Alpha, not only can we impact them for the gospel, but equip them to impact the world around them. This weekend’s message is titled “GENERATIONS: IMPACTING”.

Generations: Introduction by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, as we begin our series, I want to lay a foundation for us and our discussion of generational differences. We will introduce a framework for the rest of the series that will help us understand each generation, how they see the world, and the strengths they possess. In doing so, we will not only build each other up, but will become more unified and effective as a church family. This weekend’s message is titled “GENERATIONS: INTRODUCTION.”

Reshift by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be talking about the biblical values that undergird the foundation of America. Despite what many would try to erase or ignore, our nation was founded upon truths found from the pages of Scripture. The Founding Fathers understood this and if we are to have hope for our children and grandchildren, we must recapture those values for their sakes. The title of this weekend’s message is “RESHIFT.”

Water, Bread, and Cup by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, as we take communion in each of our services, I want to preach a special message looking at the ordinances mentioned in the Gospel of John. In his book, John writes about both the Lord’s Supper and about baptism. These are so important in the life of the believer! As we walk through the message this weekend, my prayer is that God would impress upon us the importance of baptism, communion, and a life of obedience to him. The title of this weekend’s message is “WATER, BREAD, AND CUP.”

Sufficient: Bread of Life by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, I am beginning a new series looking at the different “I AM” statements of Jesus. These statements revealed to his listeners both his nature and his mission. First, we will be examining Jesus’ statement that he is the bread of life. Jesus is our sustenance, our source of life, and the only way for us to grow spiritually. This weekend’s message is titled “SUFFICIENT: BREAD OF LIFE.”

Deceived by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are focusing on Sarai giving her maidservant, Hagar, to Abram in a mistaken attempt to protect God’s promise. Sarai thought she was helping God but in reality, she had been deceived into thinking God’s plan was in jeopardy. The serpent was again attempting to thwart the arrival of the Man of Promise, but still, God made a way and protected his plan. The title of this weekend’s message is “MAN OF PROMISE: DECEIVED.”

Multitude by Abidan Shah, PhD

In this very special message this weekend, we will examine the culture of Clearview itself. This is more than just a service that we attend or a building where ministries meet. Clearview is a family that God brought into our lives. We all have a responsibility in the ministry and impact of our church in reaching people and creating a community here. The title of this weekend’s message is “MULTITUDE.”

Reliable: Why the Original Text is Important by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, as we approach the conference, we will begin a short series examining the Bible itself. There are those that say the original text of Scripture is lost to us. Through translation over the years, we have moved away from the original Greek text. Not only is this false, but it is a harmful understanding of God’s Word. The title of this weekend’s message is “RELIABLE: PART 1.”

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