Changing Seasons of A Marriage (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

CHANGING SEASONS OF A MARRIAGE (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah (Published in the newspaper Daily Dispatch, Henderson on February 3, 2018)  Genesis 8:22 “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season…” We all have our favorite seasons.... Continue Reading →

Keeping Intimacy in Marriage Part Four

In the past 3 messages we have been laying down the foundation regarding marriage. Now we are ready to deal with the subject of “what happens when marriage is threatened with the sin of adultery.” This weekend, we will meet Potiphar’s wife, an ungodly woman whose pursuit of Joseph brought hardship to both his life and her marriage.

Keeping Intimacy in Marriage

What’s amazing to me is that right after raising the bar on anger, Jesus turns towards marriage. In the Old Testament adultery was sin but Jesus declared lust to be no less than adultery! Bottom line: Marital intimacy is a sacred bond. When we share it indiscriminately outside of marriage, we sin against God.

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