Death Dethroned: Hell by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are setting our sights on eternity. We have talked about the promise of our resurrection one day. However, there is also a coming judgment. Those who are not believers will enter a terrible fate of torment and separation from God. There are those who would downplay or disagree with it, but the Bible is clear that hell is a real place and a real consequence of rejecting salvation. This weekend will help answer some serious questions and help us articulate the gospel to our friends and family members.

First, Believe: Introduction by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are starting a brand new series. Before you can be a disciple, you must believe in Jesus and trust Him for salvation. At the heart of everything that a disciple does, there must be a desire to see the lost come to faith. Over the next few weeks, we will be talking about salvation and recapturing a desire to see the lost around us believe for the first time. This series is titled “FIRST, BELIEVE.”

When God Forgives by Pastor Abidan Shah

In this message we will focus on the line – “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” This is by far the most important message in this series. Our world is in desperate need of heavy doses of forgiveness. We need both to receive forgiveness and give forgiveness. Furthermore, human forgiveness is inextricably linked with divine forgiveness.

This message is easier preached than practiced! I am not referring to the simplistic “I’m sorry.” I am thinking about deep pains and hurts that cannot be voiced or explained. Such are the ones that deserve to be forgiven. Such are the ones that God in Christ has forgiven in us.

Anger Management Part Four

In this message we will understand three basic things – Anger that lashes out, Anger that looks back, and Anger that lingers on. All this is coming straight out of the text in Matthew 5:21-30. The previous three messages were laying out the foundation for the series. This one is application all the way.

The Blessing of Not Getting Even

Mercy is often confused with meekness. But meekness is giving things over to God while mercy is reaching out with love to the offender. It is a spirit of generosity towards those who are least deserving.

Jesus often reprimanded the scribes and the Pharisees saying that God desires mercy not sacrifice. He wants us to reach out to those who are least deserving and show them the love of Christ. He wants us to see things from the perspective of the other person. He wants us to give the offender the benefit of the doubt. That’s mercy.

God has shown us this mercy in Jesus Christ. In fact, he has gone a step further and shown us grace by giving something that we don’t deserve.


According to popular research, this year’s resolutions were no different than the years before – “Get More Sleep,” “Save Money,” “Quit Smoking or Drinking,” and, top of the list as always, “Loose Weight.” Oh yes – there was also “Flossing!” I guess nobody wants a “Bridge Over Troubled Molars!” But sadly, most people’s resolutions go in one year and out the next. Why is that? It’s because of a three-letter word that has all but disappeared from American Christianity. It only brings up images of Bible thumping preachers in tent revivals. It conjures up feelings of guilt and condemnation. I’m talking about the word “Sin.” Now before you throw down this paper, I urge you to suspend your judgment briefly and keep reading. This may hold the secret to the best year of your life! Here’s why –

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