Inside Out: Ministry of the Thorn by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we come to our final message in this series. We have learned about the difference between stress and trauma and how to help others, especially children and teens, through traumatic events in life. This weekend, we will talk about the purpose of suffering itself. God used suffering in Paul’s life to refine and sharpen him, to give depth to his message, and to make him more like Christ. The title of this weekend’s message is “INSIDE OUT: MINISTRY OF THE THORN”.

Inside Out: Growing Pains by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will turn our attention to the kids and teenagers in our lives. The Christian life is not only about us making it through difficult times. We are to help those around us as well. This is never truer than with the young minds that God has entrusted to us. Our next installment in this series is titled “INSIDE OUT: GROWING PAINS.”

Inside Out by Abidan Shah, PhD

We are often our own worst enemies when it comes to our interactions with others. God’s Word, however, reminds us that there is hope. Through Christ, we can build meaningful relationships and reflect God’s character to those around us. Throughout this series, we will deal with internal issues that make it difficult for us to connect and interact with others. The goal will be at the end of this series to make Christ visible in our relationships!

Death Dethroned: Heaven by Abidan Shah, PhD

For this Easter weekend, it is fitting that we turn our attention to heaven. There are many misconceptions about heaven, with some people even taking Bible verses out of context or misinterpreting them. We have already learned about the bodily resurrection coming one day, but where will those bodies go and what will it be like there? We will answer these questions and more in this final message of our series.

Death Dethroned: Intermediate by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be taking a look at what happens after we die, specifically where we will go. What happens when we die? Do souls go to heaven or hell, or is there somewhere else that is a precursor to our eternal destination? We will answer these questions and more in this weekend’s message titled “DEATH DETHRONED: INTERMEDIATE.”

Death Dethroned by Abidan Shah, PhD

As we begin our series this weekend, we will look at ancient Egyptian culture and customs regarding death and the afterlife compared to what Scripture teaches. God’s Word reminds us that death is not a natural part of life, but an enemy to be defeated. As we approach Easter, we will learn what it means that Christ was victorious over death and the implications for our daily lives. This weekend’s message is the introduction to our series “DEATH DETHRONED.”

Furnish by Dr. Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will continue our study of 2 Peter as he lays out for his readers the process of sanctification. Often, we are just haphazardly making it through the Christian life, trying anything we think will work and will bring us closer to God. What we don’t realize is that the things we are trying to force to work in our favor actually end up hurting us. We must allow God to refine us and remind us that Christ is the one who will help us navigate life. The title of this weekend’s message is “FURNISH”.

Unchecked by Abidan Shah, PhD

As we begin this series, we need to understand the importance of a balanced growing spiritual life. Many of us, if we are honest, are simply hoping for the best in our relationship with God. We go to church and maybe even serve on a ministry team, but through the week our spiritual lives are left to chance or simply hoping for the best. Or worse, we live however we want throughout the week and try to clean up for church. This weekend, we will understand the dangers of a spiritual life that is “UNCHECKED.”

Knowledge by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we turn our attention to the Table of Nations. Throughout Scripture, it is clear that ancient nations and peoples knew about the God of the Bible. In time, however, these nations forgot or at times chose to forget. Where did this knowledge come from and how did it fade from their memory? What are the implications for our understanding of the Bible? The title of this weekend’s message is “KNOWLEDGE”.

Blessed by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, I want to begin a very special series focusing on the blessing of family. One of the most profound gifts of God mentioned in Scripture is that of a family. After Noah and his family came out of the ark, God commanded them to go forth and repopulate the earth. Engaging in building and nurturing our families is an act of obedience to God. The title of this weekend’s message is “BLESSED.”

Keeping Cool by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be looking at the concept of the ice age. People often raise this as a question of biblical validity, saying that the Bible doesn’t speak about the ice age at all. Not only does the Bible talk about the ice age, but it gives us the proper framework for understanding history in light of the biblical account. The title of this weekend’s message is “KEEPING COOL”.

Cities of Refuge by Abidan Shah, PhD

In Joshua’s day, God commanded the Israelites to establish places where people could go who were in trouble or needed help. These cities served as beacons to those who would run into them and find refuge and solace. Church, small groups, and Christian connection should function the same way. This is especially true for small groups. They have a unique ability to uplift and edify believers while connecting them to the church. The title of this weekend’s message is “Cities of Refuge.”

Church-Autopsy: Mutilated by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are studying the third church listed in Revelation: Pergamum. The church in Pergamum on the surface was holding up against persecution and false teaching. However, twisted and harmful teachings had begun to creep into the church and twist the doctrine. Wrong doctrine is harmful to every area of our lives because it corrupts and distorts what we believe about God. This weekend’s message is titled “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: MUTILATED.”

Church-Autopsy: Fainthearted by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are studying the second church listed in Revelation: Smyrna. Smyrna was facing tremendous hardship and was in danger of falling to the pressure and fear of persecution. God reminded them of the importance of standing up under that pressure and remaining faithful. We will learn from their example how to stand firm in the face of trials and what the reward is for a life of obedience. This weekend’s message is titled “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: FAINTHEARTED.”

Delight by Abidan Shah, PhD

In light of Mother’s Day, I want to preach a special message not just for moms, but for all parents. Children are God’s gift to us and as parents, we have such a precious few years to impact them. At times, parenting can be overwhelming, confusing, or even frustrating. However, God’s Word helps us not only lead our children, but count it a privilege to do so. The title of this weekend’s message is “DELIGHT.”

Anastasis: Demonstration by Abidan Shah, PhD

This Easter weekend, we are continuing our series titled “ANASTASIS” as we examine Jesus’ resurrection and its impact on us. The idea of resurrection is found throughout Scripture, but never so prominently as the empty tomb at Easter. While this is something we often talk about, we likely understand very little of how this impacts our lives and changes our future. This weekend’s message is titled “ANASTASIS: DEMONSTRATION”.

Anastasis: Foundations by Dr. Abidan Shah

As we approach Holy Week, I want to begin a series titled “ANASTASIS”. This is the Greek word for resurrection. Many of us have heard the language of the empty tomb or Christ rising from the dead, but what does that mean for us? How does that change our perspective on life and belief? Over the next few weeks, we will dive into this idea of resurrection and how that impacts our understanding of the Christian life. This weekend’s message is titled “ANASTASIS: FOUNDATIONS”.

Generations: Impacting by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are going to look specifically at Gen Z and Generation Alpha. These are our children and grandchildren and the ones currently most in touch with the culture around us. We cannot afford to misunderstand or neglect these generations, because the world is aiming for their minds and hearts. If we can understand Gen Z and Generation Alpha, not only can we impact them for the gospel, but equip them to impact the world around them. This weekend’s message is titled “GENERATIONS: IMPACTING”.

Sufficient: True Vine by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we come to the final “I am” statement of Jesus in the book of John. Jesus states that he is the true vine. This is imagery that would have resonated with his listeners, but the implications here are so much greater than we might initially see. The only way for us to bear spiritual fruit is to be connected to our source, Jesus Christ. The title of this weekend’s message is “SUFFICIENT: TRUE VINE.”

Sufficient: Good Shepherd by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are looking at the fourth I am statement of Jesus from the gospel of John. Jesus says several times that he is the “good shepherd.” Shepherds were common during Jesus’ day and had a special significance throughout Scripture. In the life of a sheep, the shepherd is the lifeline. He is the only source of protection and provision for the sheep. Jesus’ statement has profound significance for us today and we’ll learn more about it in this weekend’s message, “SUFFICIENT: GOOD SHEPHERD.”

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