Inside Out: Ministry of the Thorn by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we come to our final message in this series. We have learned about the difference between stress and trauma and how to help others, especially children and teens, through traumatic events in life. This weekend, we will talk about the purpose of suffering itself. God used suffering in Paul’s life to refine and sharpen him, to give depth to his message, and to make him more like Christ. The title of this weekend’s message is “INSIDE OUT: MINISTRY OF THE THORN”.

Inside Out: Growing Pains by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will turn our attention to the kids and teenagers in our lives. The Christian life is not only about us making it through difficult times. We are to help those around us as well. This is never truer than with the young minds that God has entrusted to us. Our next installment in this series is titled “INSIDE OUT: GROWING PAINS.”

Inside Out by Abidan Shah, PhD

We are often our own worst enemies when it comes to our interactions with others. God’s Word, however, reminds us that there is hope. Through Christ, we can build meaningful relationships and reflect God’s character to those around us. Throughout this series, we will deal with internal issues that make it difficult for us to connect and interact with others. The goal will be at the end of this series to make Christ visible in our relationships!

Fulfill by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will continue to study this passage where Paul is describing the great mystery of the connection between Christ and the church. Paul’s use of the words “flesh and bone” points to other passages of Scripture from both the Old and New Testaments. This language shows how God always keeps his promises at the right time and how the Bible is one, unbroken story. The title of this weekend’s message is “FULFILL”.

Reasoning by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, I want to focus on our mind, specifically our thoughts. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he spent a great deal of time talking about the mind and how to bring thoughts under control. Our minds often threaten to run away from us. What would it take to glorify God and focus on him with our very thoughts? The title of this weekend’s message is titled “REASONING”.

Devoted by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, I want to preach a message on serving in spite of trials. Throughout Scripture, we are met with examples of men and women who continued in faithful service in the face of adversity, one of the most notable examples being Paul in his journeys. With our ministry expo this weekend, we have the opportunity to display the same obedience in our lives. The title of this weekend’s message is “DEVOTED”.

Church-Autopsy: Nauseous by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are examining the seventh and final church in the book of Revelation: Laodicea. Of all the churches, this one is the most well-known, likely because of the language used. The church is called “lukewarm” and Jesus says he will vomit them out of his mouth. What does it mean to be lukewarm and what is the message for us today? The title of this weekend’s message is “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: NAUSEOUS.”

Church-Autopsy: Bedridden by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are studying the fourth church listed in Revelation: Thyatira. Thyatira was a serving and loving church, but they tolerated sinful influence. Sometimes it is easier to quietly obey God than to call out and denounce sin. Yet, is this how God has called us to live? We ought to love what God loves and hate what he hates. This weekend’s message is titled “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: BEDRIDDEN.”

Church-Autopsy: Mutilated by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are studying the third church listed in Revelation: Pergamum. The church in Pergamum on the surface was holding up against persecution and false teaching. However, twisted and harmful teachings had begun to creep into the church and twist the doctrine. Wrong doctrine is harmful to every area of our lives because it corrupts and distorts what we believe about God. This weekend’s message is titled “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: MUTILATED.”

Church-Autopsy: Heartsick by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are looking at the church in Ephesus. Jesus brings a serious charge against them: they have lost their first love. They were checking all the right boxes but for all the wrong reasons. The problem for them wasn’t an external behavior but an internal reality. The title of this weekend’s message is “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: HEARTSICK”.

Sufficient: Bread of Life by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, I am beginning a new series looking at the different “I AM” statements of Jesus. These statements revealed to his listeners both his nature and his mission. First, we will be examining Jesus’ statement that he is the bread of life. Jesus is our sustenance, our source of life, and the only way for us to grow spiritually. This weekend’s message is titled “SUFFICIENT: BREAD OF LIFE.”

Today by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, I will be preaching a special message as we head into the new year. In the book of Matthew, Jesus gives his sermon on the mount and talks about what people can expect in life. Contrary to some people’s opinion, the Christian life is not one free of troubles or worries. Rather, a life that is fully surrendered to Jesus puts worries in their proper place. The title of this weekend’s message is “TODAY.”

Man of Promise by Abidan Shah, PhD

Abraham and Sarah are often depicted as this no-name family moving from Ur to God’s Promised Land. However, they were much more than just wanderers. Abraham, Sarah, and others around them knew something was going on, that God’s plan was in motion. They could see God blessing them and protecting them as they followed His plan in obedience and faith, ultimately leading to the birth of Jesus. The title of this weekend’s message is “MAN OF PROMISE.”

Progression by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will continue talking about what we need in order to grow in our faith. Studying the Bible together is crucial for spiritual growth and fellowship. Our Wednesday night Bible studies are a great way to get plugged in at Clearview and to grow closer to God and others. The title of this weekend’s message is “PROGRESSION.”

Leviathan by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are taking a look at a topic not often brought up in churches. We will be learning about dinosaurs. Where do they fit into the biblical account? How far off is the timeline that secular scientists offer? What impact do fossils have on our understanding of the book of Genesis? The title of this weekend’s message is “LEVIATHAN.”

First Gospel: The Damage

This weekend, we are moving forward in our study of Genesis and what went wrong. The consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience have been felt for thousands of years. It is into this damaged world that God sent Jesus to fix what had been broken. The title of this weekend’s message is “FIRST GOSPEL: THE DAMAGE.”

Re-Created: Part 2 by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are continuing our study of being created male and female. Gender dysphoria, gender identity, and transgenderism are big topics of debate in society. The push is to regard truth as subjective and relative to each individual. But it matters that God has designed us as male and female. The title of this weekend’s message is “RE-CREATED PART 2.”

Distinct by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are continuing our study of creation. On the sixth day, God created the rest of the animal kingdom, from the largest elephant to the smallest insect. Although there are some similarities across creation, God designed every creature uniquely and specifically to fulfill its own function. It reminds us that his plan for the world is perfect. The title of this weekend’s message is “DISTINCT.”

Brightness by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are looking at the creation of the sun on the fourth day in Genesis 1. The sun is often something we take for granted, but life on earth wouldn’t exist without it. God set it exactly the right distance from earth and made it exactly the right temperature to sustain life for His creation. The title of this weekend’s message is “BRIGHTNESS.”

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