Church-Autopsy: Paralyzed by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are examining the sixth church in the book of Revelation: Philadelphia. The church was doing many things well but was locked in fear and failed to take opportunities that God presented them. Fear can blind us to God’s plan and prevent us from stepping out in obedience. That was true for the church in Philadelphia; is it true for you as well? The title of this weekend’s message is “CHURCH-AUTOPSY: PARALYZED.”

HOW TO HANDLE TOXIC PEOPLE – Part 2 (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

My last article, “How To Handle Toxic People,” drew more responses than any of my pervious articles! Evidently, it touched a nerve and God used it to meet a real need. Thank you for all the words of appreciation! Some of you raised a question that I feel the answer may benefit others as well – “Daily we go through minor toxic encounters that leave us feeling upset to one degree or another. Does that mean that for each of those incidents we have to go through the same process of praying for 20 days until we are free of the toxin?” Of course not. Toxic people and minor toxic encounters are two different things. The first are individuals who perpetually cause us to feel miserable and the second are chance happenings that inject just enough toxin in us to ruin our spirit. Although the latter are not as harmful as the former, don’t assume that they are completely harmless. If left untreated, those emotional fender-benders can cause us to ruin others’ spirits as well. Let me explain below.

Anger Management Part Three

Last weekend we learned how to have anger “with a cause.” This weekend we will see what anger “without a cause” looks like. So many of us are guilty of being upset and mad about things that do not matter. We end up destroying relationships, embarrassing ourselves, and disgracing our Savior.

Anger Management Part Two

Last weekend we saw how anger is a divine emotion displayed by God numerous times in the Old Testament and several times by Jesus in the New Testament. It’s the natural outcome of the coming together of His Holiness and Love.

Unfortunately, we have used anger for all the wrong reasons. Instead of using it to bring righteousness in this world, we use it to satisfy our selfish needs. This weekend we will see how to redirect anger in our personal lives.

This is a very important message especially now when Christians are called to stand firmly and graciously for the truth.

Anger Management

Right after teaching his disciples to obey the laws and commandments of God, Jesus gives the disciples and multitudes a list of antitheses -(you have heard it said...but I say to you...). Jesus begins by confronting his listeners about anger. He compares it to murder.
Anger comes in various forms--some blow up, some clam up--, but the results are devastating no matter what. This series will teach us to handle anger in the right ways and for godly reasons.

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