Living Hope by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are moving forward through the book of 1 Peter. Peter is writing to an audience that was exiled and displaced. Hope would have been difficult to come by. And yet, he reminds them that their source of hope is God and what He has done for them and for all of us. The title of this weekend’s message is “LIVING HOPE.”

Identity by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we begin going through Peter’s letter to Jewish believers scattered throughout the region. They were discouraged and felt like they no longer had an identity as a people group. Peter reminds them, not of their previous identity, but of their new identity as Christians. The title of this weekend’s message is “IDENTITY.”

The Calling by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will be introduced to the life of Peter. In order to understand his letter, we must first understand the author. Peter was an unlikely candidate for a disciple, but Jesus’ calling on his life allowed him to fulfill his God-given purpose. The title of this weekend’s message is “THE CALLING.”

Single-Minded by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, our focus is on Paul’s command to the Philippians to be unified, pursuing God’s will together as a body of believers. Paul warned against division and encouraged his readers to be like-minded by pursuing the mind of Christ. The gospel is what keeps believers focused and moving toward a common goal. The title of this weekend’s message is “SINGLE-MINDED.”

Community by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are going back to the book of Philippians. Paul's letter to the Philippian believers addresses the importance of their partnership in sharing the gospel and expanding the ministry of the church. I cannot think of a better time for us to talk about community! Join us as we begin a new series through the book of Philippians titled "COMMUNITY."

Discipleship 3: Together by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we come to the third letter of the acronym WATER, which stands for “Together.” In the book of Acts, the believers were united by a common purpose and desire to see the gospel spread to the nations. Their unity made them stand out from those around them and drew people to the truth of who Jesus is and what He accomplished. The title of this week’s message is “DISCIPLESHIP 3: TOGETHER.”

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