Canon by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are examining the canon of Scripture and looking at how the Bible compares to the writings of Buddhism. Buddhists ascribe to many different canons, but there is one biblical canon that believers uphold. Why does this matter? How did the canon come to be accepted? The title of this weekend’s message is “CANON”.

Pious Thieves by Pastor Abidan Shah

The title of this message is “PIOUS THIEVES.” We come to the part of Malachi’s message where he addresses the people who are keeping the best for themselves and robbing God by giving Him their leftovers. What they didn’t understand, and what we often forget, is that everything in our lives belongs to God in the first place. By “holding on to” what we have, we are really robbing God of what is rightfully His.

FUTURE AND HOPE (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

Last month Americans all across the land proved with their ballots that they were dissatisfied with the direction of our country. What is being called “one of the greatest political shakeups in history” is a glimpse into the soul of the real USA. Americans have overwhelmingly declared that they do care about the economy, security, and morality of their country. They do want a better world for their children and grandchildren. Once again they are seeing a future and a hope. These are indeed exciting times in our nation’s history. Along with the other positive changes, here are some more that we cannot afford to ignore:


CHANGE OR DIE: A HUMBLE PLEA TO FELLOW CHURCHES (Article) by Pastor Shah, Clearview Church (Published in the Daily Dispatch, Henderson on January 18, 2014) I’ve never been more conflicted about writing an article than this one. After much prayer and consultation with my lovely wife, I felt that I must write what God has laid on my... Continue Reading →

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