Word Alive by Pastor Abidan Paul Shah

There is nothing like walking around these different locations, knowing that Jesus stood in the very same places. It is one thing to read about places like Jerusalem and Capernaum in Scripture, but to see them in person makes the Word of God come alive! This weekend, we will hear from some of the team about the places that had the most impact on them and how this trip has impacted their faith. The title of the message this weekend is “WORD ALIVE.”

Senseless Obedience by Pastor Abidan Shah

Typically on Palm Sunday, we hear messages about Jesus entering Jerusalem. However, this year, I want to focus on what takes place immediately before His entrance into the city. Jesus commanded His disciples to untie a colt and bring it to Him to ride upon. On the surface, this command doesn’t make sense, but the disciples obeyed anyway. The title of this week’s message is “SENSELESS OBEDIENCE.”


I'm standing atop Mount Scopus in Jerusalem. The view is mind blowing! Before me lies the city whose history goes back to over 4000 years. Jerusalem has bewitched both conquerors and pilgrims through the centuries. Even today, it is the most contended ground on the face of the earth. Someone called it – “the hottest piece of real estate on the planet.” But my view is different. I don’t find any magical lure or spiritual power in her presence, just lessons of deep significance. Three such landmarks stand out for me:

No Turning Back

You can listen to this and other sermons online by clicking here. NO TURNING BACK - by Pastor Shah, Clearview Church, Henderson Today we are celebrating what is known as Palm Sunday. It commemorates the start of the final week in the life of Jesus. The time had come for Him to do what He... Continue Reading →


In Matthew 2 we see the encounter between the magi from the east and King Herod. The magi traveled over 400 miles to come and worship the King of the Jews while Herod was clueless of His birth just 6 miles south in Bethlehem. Even when he found out about Him, Herod was envious and threatened rather than submissive and obedient. What a tragedy!

It’s no less a tragedy when people are going to hell right from under the shadow of the steeple. They have heard the truth but have become inoculated. It’s time to ask the Holy Spirit to knock on the doors of the hearts of our friends, family, and neighbors and ask the question –“Where is Jesus?” If they don’t know, it’s our responsibility to share Him with them.

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