Table of Nations: Part 4 by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we come to the conclusion of our series. As we have seen, God’s hand has been on the lives of his people throughout Scripture. We will be following the descendants of Shem, Noah’s son, and will see how God guided the events of history leading toward the birth of Jesus. Since before the foundation of the world, God has been working to bring salvation to mankind through his son, Jesus. The title of this weekend’s message is “TABLE OF NATIONS PART 4”.

Chosen by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will take a look at a very controversial subject from Scripture: predestination. This doctrine has been misunderstood and misrepresented for many years. What does this word mean in the context of Scripture? How does this impact our understanding of salvation? It is crucial that we understand this doctrine and can accurately explain the process of salvation to others. This weekend’s message is titled “CHOSEN.”

Breakthrough by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will continue looking the life of Joshua as he was leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. Joshua has an encounter unlike anything he has ever experienced leading up to the battle of Jericho. The title of this weekend’s message is “BREAKTHROUGH.”

The Journey by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, our message will focus on expanding what our teenagers learned this weekend. We will take a look at different moments in Moses’ life and the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness. God was faithful to them every step of the way, guiding them through the unknown and meeting their needs. The title of this weekend’s message is “THE JOURNEY.”

Walking in the Steps by Dr. Abidan Shah

It is always so amazing to walk around these different locations, knowing that you are standing on sites mentioned in Scripture! It’s like watching the stories of the Bible come to life before your very eyes! This weekend, we will hear from some of the team members that just returned. They will share about what this trip meant to them, how it changed their perspective of the Bible, and how it helped them to grow in the faith. The title of the message this weekend is “WALKING IN THE STEPS.”

Word Alive by Pastor Abidan Paul Shah

There is nothing like walking around these different locations, knowing that Jesus stood in the very same places. It is one thing to read about places like Jerusalem and Capernaum in Scripture, but to see them in person makes the Word of God come alive! This weekend, we will hear from some of the team about the places that had the most impact on them and how this trip has impacted their faith. The title of the message this weekend is “WORD ALIVE.”

Rotten Blessings by Pastor Abidan Shah

The Jewish people were trying to take God out of the equation while still holding on to their blessings. What they didn’t realize, and what we often fail to realize, is that God is the source of every blessing in our lives. When you remove the source, the blessings begin to spoil. They become a burden and a curse to us and those around us.


The region in which the biblical events took place is between the Nile River and the Mediterranean Sea on the West and the Zagros Mountains and the Persian Gulf in the East and between the Amanus and Ararat Mountains in the North and the Nafud Desert and the southern tip of Sinai in the South. The New Testament expanded the region into what today are Turkey, Greece, Italy, and Spain.


I'm standing atop Mount Scopus in Jerusalem. The view is mind blowing! Before me lies the city whose history goes back to over 4000 years. Jerusalem has bewitched both conquerors and pilgrims through the centuries. Even today, it is the most contended ground on the face of the earth. Someone called it – “the hottest piece of real estate on the planet.” But my view is different. I don’t find any magical lure or spiritual power in her presence, just lessons of deep significance. Three such landmarks stand out for me:


History is replete with examples of the prayers of women, especially mothers. God delights in their prayers and wants to answer them. One such example is found in the Old Testament – the prayer of Hannah (1 Samuel 1). As you know she couldn’t have any children and she prayed before God earnestly and her prayers were answered. How did she pray?

Location, Location, Location!

This weekend we will be watching a message right from the banks of the Jordan River. As many of you know, Nicole and I were in Israel last month and we recorded a message about the baptism of Jesus on site. Words cannot describe the excitement we felt! It was a powerful moment when we realized that somewhere near was the actual spot where God in flesh submitted to be baptized by John! Even with the distractions of camera clicks, gift shops, and tour buses, I could feel the reality of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus! What is most powerful to me is how the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) was present together at this place! It’s a reminder that the entire Godhead was involved in our salvation.


It’s great to be back home in the Good Ole USA! As you know, Nicole and I went on an educational tour of Israel. Words cannot describe how amazing this trip was! To name just a few of the highlights --
we sailed across the Sea of Galilee,
- we stood on Har Megiddo (Armageddon) which will be the site of the final showdown,
- we drove through the wilderness where the children of Israel wandered for 40 years,
- we prayed by the Western Wall
- and, among many many other places, we saw the Mount of Temptation near Jericho in the Judean desert.
This weekend I will preaching on the temptation of Christ in our series on the life of Christ. The message is titled "HOW TO DEAL WITH THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT."

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