Re-Created: Part 2 by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are continuing our study of being created male and female. Gender dysphoria, gender identity, and transgenderism are big topics of debate in society. The push is to regard truth as subjective and relative to each individual. But it matters that God has designed us as male and female. The title of this weekend’s message is “RE-CREATED PART 2.”

Re-Created by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are diving deeper into God’s creation of humanity. God made us male and female. The world around us is trying to blur the lines of being male and female, pushing the narrative of gender dysphoria and identity. As we learned last week, we must rely on the truth of God’s Word to guide our thinking in this discussion and to recapture God’s original design. The title of this weekend’s message is “RE-CREATED.”

Living Hope by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are moving forward through the book of 1 Peter. Peter is writing to an audience that was exiled and displaced. Hope would have been difficult to come by. And yet, he reminds them that their source of hope is God and what He has done for them and for all of us. The title of this weekend’s message is “LIVING HOPE.”

The Journey by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, our message will focus on expanding what our teenagers learned this weekend. We will take a look at different moments in Moses’ life and the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness. God was faithful to them every step of the way, guiding them through the unknown and meeting their needs. The title of this weekend’s message is “THE JOURNEY.”

Training by Pastor Abidan Shah

The message this weekend is titled “TRAINING.” The book of Proverbs teaches us that we ought to train children in the way they should go. This weekend, we will take a more in-depth look at what that way looks like and how we can teach our children to follow God’s plan for their lives.

Love is Liberating by Pastor Abidan Shah

In the concluding message titled “Love is Liberating,” Paul reminds the Corinthians that true love never ends. It doesn’t have any limitations. It doesn’t use any threats and fears. In fact, it brings a sense of freedom that allows the other person to flourish and love back without any barriers.

FUTURE AND HOPE (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

Last month Americans all across the land proved with their ballots that they were dissatisfied with the direction of our country. What is being called “one of the greatest political shakeups in history” is a glimpse into the soul of the real USA. Americans have overwhelmingly declared that they do care about the economy, security, and morality of their country. They do want a better world for their children and grandchildren. Once again they are seeing a future and a hope. These are indeed exciting times in our nation’s history. Along with the other positive changes, here are some more that we cannot afford to ignore:

“When All Seems Hopeless” (2) by Pastor Abidan Paul Shah

Introduction: This evening I want to preach a message I’ve preached before but not from the pulpit. I preached it in front of our fireplace last winter when we were snowed in and, if you remember, we came together on Facebook Live and Periscope. This sermon comes from one of my favorite passages from the Bible – Romans 15:13 and it’s called – “WHEN ALL SEEMS HOPELESS.”


Are you facing a hopeless situation in your life? Do these words sound familiar? – “I’ve given up…” “I just don’t think it’s going to work…” “There’s nothing else left…” Do you know the impact hopelessness makes on your personal health? According to a 1997 article published by the American Heart Association – those who have gone through extreme feelings of despair had a 20% greater increase of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) over a 4-year period. If hopelessness is your daily companion, then today’s message is for you. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will bring hope to your heart so that you can live again. But let me remind you – you cannot have the Holy Spirit until you accept Jesus as your Savior. Are you saved?


In Luke 2 we meet Simeon who was directed by the Holy Spirit to recognize the coming of Jesus Christ. The Bible describes him as a person who was just and devout, hope filled, and full of grace and truth. These are the characteristics of a person who is under the authority of the Holy Spirit. What the world needs is to see men and women who are led by the Holy Spirit. Our community needs to see us walking in integrity, filled with hope for the future, speaking the truth in grace, and pointing people to Jesus.


Have you seen the news lately? More ISIS beheadings; Ebola claims more victims; unemployment on the rise; further attacks on traditional marriage; and the list goes on. One wonders – where is God in all this? Is He just sitting up there twiddling his thumbs? Has He abandoned us to our own destruction? These were the same questions that people were asking in the first century and just when it seemed as if all hope was gone, Jesus was born as a little baby in a manger. Who would expect God to show up in such innocence, humility, and simplicity! He came in the most unexpected and simple way and the first invitees to His coming were humble shepherds. So where is God in this crazy world? He is working in the most unexpected places and in the most humble manner. He is saving those who are willing to hear His voice.

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