Great Nation by Abidan Shah, PhD

In fact, recent events should show us that God is still very much guiding and guarding America. It is time for believers to set the example of returning to the truth of God’s Word. This is the bedrock upon which our country was founded and it is the guiding light that will lead us into the future. This weekend, we will be reminded that we do in fact live in a great nation.

Training by Pastor Abidan Shah

The message this weekend is titled “TRAINING.” The book of Proverbs teaches us that we ought to train children in the way they should go. This weekend, we will take a more in-depth look at what that way looks like and how we can teach our children to follow God’s plan for their lives.

FUTURE AND HOPE (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

Last month Americans all across the land proved with their ballots that they were dissatisfied with the direction of our country. What is being called “one of the greatest political shakeups in history” is a glimpse into the soul of the real USA. Americans have overwhelmingly declared that they do care about the economy, security, and morality of their country. They do want a better world for their children and grandchildren. Once again they are seeing a future and a hope. These are indeed exciting times in our nation’s history. Along with the other positive changes, here are some more that we cannot afford to ignore:

What’s Next For America?

These appear to be times of discouragement and despair but they can also be times of hope and possibilities. God does not want us to live in defeat but to step out and be the salt and light. He has given us His Holy Spirit to take the Gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth.

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