Traces by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be examining the after effects of the flood. We can see evidence of the worldwide flood in the world around us, if we use the lens of Scripture. Even the rock layers of different geological formations. The title of this weekend’s message is “TRACES.”

Sanctification by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are taking a look at the ongoing process after the moment a person gets saved. The Christian life is about God molding us and making us more like Christ.  Much like metals are refined and made purer, the life of the believer is a process of God developing Christian character within us. The title of this weekend’s message is “SANCTIFICATION.”

Chosen by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will take a look at a very controversial subject from Scripture: predestination. This doctrine has been misunderstood and misrepresented for many years. What does this word mean in the context of Scripture? How does this impact our understanding of salvation? It is crucial that we understand this doctrine and can accurately explain the process of salvation to others. This weekend’s message is titled “CHOSEN.”

Regeneration by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are turning a corner in our series. As we have learned, salvation is both a moment and process in the life of every believer. It involves a person going from being spiritually dead to being alive in Christ. But what does that mean? And how does it change the way we celebrate Easter? The title of this weekend’s message is “REGENERATION.”

Justification: Imputation

This weekend, we will be examining the process of salvation. We use the language of being saved or asking Jesus into your heart a lot, but what exactly is happening? As we will learn from this message, the process of justification involves Christ taking away our sins and giving us His righteousness so that we may be counted as blameless before God. The title of this weekend’s message is “JUSTIFICATION: IMPUTATION.”

Justification: Instruction by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will continue in our series as we head toward Easter. We will be taking a look at the law of God and its impact on the life of the believer. This is something that might be difficult for us to understand. Maybe you think of the law of God as being an Old Testament concept and that after Jesus, the Christian life was all about grace. While the grace of God is important, the law of God is not diminished. This weekend’s message is titled “JUSTIFICATION: INSTRUCTION.”

Justification: Indispensable by Dr. Abidan Shah

In the weeks leading up to Easter, we will begin new series focused on the cross and what Jesus has accomplished for us. Most believers have a very incomplete understanding of the cross. The concepts of salvation, justification, and atonement, however, are central to our faith. We will gain a better understanding of Christ’s work on the cross through this series titled “JUSTIFICATION.”

Operation Fortify: Part 1 by Dr. Abidan Shah

OPERATION FORTIFY – 1 by Dr. Abidan and Nicole Shah, Clearview Church, Henderson, NC Introduction:  In ancient times, how well a settlement was fortified gave evidence to how important that settlement was. Nicole and I have been to Mycenae, Greece, with its massive cyclopean walls, and to Megiddo and Dan where they had offset-inset walls. The purpose... Continue Reading →

Abiding by Dr. Abidan Shah

ABIDING by Dr. Shah, Clearview Church, Henderson Introduction:  How many of yall remember the “Little Rascals.” I’m sure it is before all of our times, but we may have seen one or two episodes. One of the most well-known one is when Spanky decided to start an exclusive club called the “He-Man Woman-Haters Club.” This was... Continue Reading →

Uncomfortable Obedience by Dr. Abidan Shah (2021)

There are many things that God commands us to do that we can do with a joyful and a willing heart. For example: studying his word, loving our family and children, and using our gifts in his service. But then, there are things that He commands us to do that are not as fun and exciting. They are uncomfortable. They push us past our limits. Sometimes, they are downright unbearable. How do we obey God even when it is uncomfortable?

First Gospel: The Damage

This weekend, we are moving forward in our study of Genesis and what went wrong. The consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience have been felt for thousands of years. It is into this damaged world that God sent Jesus to fix what had been broken. The title of this weekend’s message is “FIRST GOSPEL: THE DAMAGE.”

Operation Restore by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are beginning a very special two-part miniseries on marriage. We see in Genesis that God created marriage to be a beautiful union between a husband and wife, but very quickly things begin to fall apart. In this series, we will examine what went wrong and how we can work to get back to God’s original design for marriage. The title of this weekend’s message is “OPERATION RESTORE PART ONE.”

Re-Created: Part 2 by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are continuing our study of being created male and female. Gender dysphoria, gender identity, and transgenderism are big topics of debate in society. The push is to regard truth as subjective and relative to each individual. But it matters that God has designed us as male and female. The title of this weekend’s message is “RE-CREATED PART 2.”

Re-Created by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are diving deeper into God’s creation of humanity. God made us male and female. The world around us is trying to blur the lines of being male and female, pushing the narrative of gender dysphoria and identity. As we learned last week, we must rely on the truth of God’s Word to guide our thinking in this discussion and to recapture God’s original design. The title of this weekend’s message is “RE-CREATED.”

Created by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend’s message brings us to the pinnacle of creation: humanity. God created humans as male and female. This was part of being made in His image. What does that mean? Culture today continues to blur the lines between genders, but this is an essential component of being made in God’s image. The title of this weekend’s message is “CREATED.”

Ascent by Dr. Abidan Shah

In this weekend’s message, we are looking at humanity. Ultimately, every theory about the development of mankind wants to explain how we got here. What is our origin? What about things like cavemen and Neanderthals? We will address those questions and more in this weekend’s message titled “ASCENT.”

Brightness by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are looking at the creation of the sun on the fourth day in Genesis 1. The sun is often something we take for granted, but life on earth wouldn’t exist without it. God set it exactly the right distance from earth and made it exactly the right temperature to sustain life for His creation. The title of this weekend’s message is “BRIGHTNESS.”

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