Love is Liberating by Pastor Abidan Shah

In the concluding message titled “Love is Liberating,” Paul reminds the Corinthians that true love never ends. It doesn’t have any limitations. It doesn’t use any threats and fears. In fact, it brings a sense of freedom that allows the other person to flourish and love back without any barriers.

Love is Purifying by Pastor Abidan Shah

Here Paul goes deep into the human heart. Have you ever wondered why we feel a sense of relief and glee when others go through a difficult time? Where does this come from? This is our sinful nature peeking through. Please don’t misunderstand – this does not mean that we throw a party whenever something bad happens to others. I’m only referring to that momentary sin of self-preservation and gloating that infects all of us. Love cannot flourish in such an atmosphere. This message will encourage us to seek God’s forgiveness, healing, and restoration in our life and relationships.

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