Discover by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are examining the relationship between science and Christianity. Many people believe that the two are often opposed to one another. Others worry that if you pursue scientific knowledge and discovery, it will shake the foundations of your faith. What we will learn from this weekend, though, is that science actually supports Christianity and gives evidence for what we believe. The title of this weekend’s message is “DISCOVER”.

Word Power by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will examine the power of our words and the importance of speaking with kindness and wisdom. The book of Proverbs is an excellent place to find practical steps for godly living, including reflecting God’s character in the way we act and speak. The title of this weekend’s message is “WORD POWER.”

Out-of-Bounds by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will be taking a look at Proverbs 6. Solomon lists several things that God detests. This list is a collection of things that should be off limits for believers. If you are looking for clear instruction on how to live the Christian life, look no further. The title of this weekend’s message is “OUT-OF-BOUNDS.”

Unrest by Dr. Abidan Shah

In this message, we will look at the current crisis through the lens of history and Scripture. We will examine the nation of Iran throughout history. Regardless of what we might have heard, this message will help us understand the current situation in light of past events and the Word of God. The title of this weekend’s message is “UNREST.”

Yield by Pastor Abidan Shah

Having laid the foundation for what our mind is and what it means to have the mind of Christ, we now turn our attention to the application. We cannot will ourselves into righteousness. It’s not something we can force, but something we submit to and that God develops within us. The title of the message this weekend is “YIELD.”

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are examining the life of Daniel and his obedience to God over his allegiance to all others. This is such a crucial reminder for us that as believers, the world will always be against us. The stakes are too high for us to remain apathetic and do nothing. You and I have to stand by our convictions and be active in our community and our nation. The title of this weekend’s message is “LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.”

Thankful for His Plan by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are starting a brand new series on thankfulness and how God has blessed us. In this first message, we will be looking at the story of Joseph and his brothers. God’s plan is perfect, and although he suffered, Joseph held onto that truth. In this weekend’s message, we will learn to be thankful for “HIS PLAN.”

The Witness Stand by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will be taking a look at something we all know to be part of the Christian but many struggle with: evangelism. We have heard the commands in Scripture to go out and spread the gospel, but have a difficult time putting them into practice. Scripture does not call us to be the prosecution or defense attorneys in God’s courtroom. Nor are we supposed to be the judge of jury. We are witnesses to Christ and what He has done. The title of this weekend’s message is “THE WITNESS STAND.”

Joint Impact by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will be taking a look at the collective impact of the church. We are more than just a gathering of individuals. We are a body, joined together by God for a specific mission: to reach the world with the message of the gospel. We are each capable of accomplishing much for the Lord on our own. However, it is only when we are united in our purpose and our efforts that God can use the church to make a profound impact. The title of this weekend’s message is “JOINT IMPACT.”

Beyond Conscience by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will be learning about the Holy Spirit. So many times, people think of the Holy Spirit as a mere force or simply our conscience. He is so much more than just a sense of right and wrong. The Holy Spirit is the promised helper from Scripture and we must have a good understanding of what He means for us as believers. The title of this week’s message is “BEYOND CONSCIENCE.”

A Mind To Work by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, in light of the Ministry Drive, we will be taking a look at Nehemiah and the account of God’s people rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. Although people doubted they could accomplish the task before them, they succeeded because they had a unity of spirit and purpose. This weekend’s message is titled “A MIND TO WORK.”

Repent and Believe by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we turn our attention to the response to the gospel. It is not enough to merely hear the truth; we must respond to the gospel. Our response must be made up of both repentance and belief. They are two sides to the same coin. The call of the gospel is to turn from sin and to believe in Christ as your savior. This weekend’s message is titled “REPENT AND BELIEVE.”

Crucified and Risen by Pastor Abidan Shah

This message is titled “CRUCIFIED AND RISEN.” The point of the message is this –The crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus are not just historical facts. They are a present reality. They are more than just events from the past that save us. They are events in the present that free us from the grip of sin and give us the power to live. After we get saved we are to live the crucified and risen lives.

Anointed by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we turn to Jesus Himself as the Christ, the One promised from the beginning. Every page of the Bible, every story it contains points to Jesus as the One who will defeat sin and the grave. If we are going to rightly understand Scripture, we must interpret it through the lens of the cross. The title of this week’s message is “ANOINTED.”

Discipleship: Implanted by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we turn our attention to the importance of the Word of God being implanted in our hearts. When we memorize Scripture, we hide God’s Word in our hearts to keep us focused on Him when life tries to steal our attention. The implanted Word within us responds to the external Word when we sit under biblical teaching and preaching. Likewise, the external Word stirs the implanted Word within us and calls us to action. This weekend’s message is titled “DISCIPLESHIP: IMPLANTED.”

Discipleship 2: Accountable by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we come to the second letter of the acronym WATER, which stands for “Accountable.” Throughout Scripture, we find disciples of God being grouped into pairs and going out to spread the gospel, establish churches, or visit those in need. Jesus encouraged His followers to rely on a close inner circle to keep themselves focused on pursuing God and a pure life. The title of this week’s message is “DISCIPLESHIP 2: ACCOUNTABLE.”

Fulfilled: Manner of Jesus’ Birth by Pastor Abidan Shah

This is the third message in our series, focusing on the manner of Jesus’ birth. Many people today will claim to be Christians, but denounce the virginal conception. This is critical to our faith, though, as it not only proves Jesus is the Son of God but that He is the One promised from the Old Testament. It sets Him apart from any other religion or deity that promises salvation.

When the Body Grows by Pastor Abidan Shah

Many times in Scripture, the church is compared to a body. It is composed of many members with different functions that work together for the good of the whole. The same should be true of the church, especially where men are concerned. Becoming spiritually mature isn’t just learning more about God; it’s about stepping up to lead by serving.

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