Traces by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be examining the after effects of the flood. We can see evidence of the worldwide flood in the world around us, if we use the lens of Scripture. Even the rock layers of different geological formations. The title of this weekend’s message is “TRACES.”

Secure by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will continue our study of the account of Noah. While the storms and floodwaters raged outside, Noah and his family were safe within the ark. This not only shows God’s provision for Noah, but reminds us how He protects all of His people. The title of this weekend’s message is “SECURE.”

Domain by Abidan Shah, PhD

If you have been following this series, you know that we have been in the book of Genesis for quite some time. There is simply so much to answer from the text and so many questions people have related to God, creation, and the first chapter of human history. This weekend, we will examine an age-old incident from the history of the world and determine what this passage means for us and our understanding of Scripture. This weekend’s message is titled “DOMAIN.”

Great Nation by Abidan Shah, PhD

In fact, recent events should show us that God is still very much guiding and guarding America. It is time for believers to set the example of returning to the truth of God’s Word. This is the bedrock upon which our country was founded and it is the guiding light that will lead us into the future. This weekend, we will be reminded that we do in fact live in a great nation.

Company by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are examining a very curious account in Scripture: Enoch. The Bible doesn’t give very many details about his life other than that he walked with God and then was no more. However, there is much we can learn from Enoch’s brief account and apply to our own lives! The title of this weekend’s message is “COMPANY.”

Wanderer by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will continue our study of Cain, looking at the events of his life after he murdered Abel. There are many questions and speculations about the nature of Cain’s punishment and how he spent the rest of his days. In this message, we will uncover the truth not only about Cain’s life but also about God, both His justice and mercy. This weekend’s message is titled “WANDERER.”

Rivalry by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be looking at the account of Cain and Abel. This tragic first pair of siblings has raised many questions in people’s minds over the years. There are details from the account that are flagged as examples of the Bible containing errors. Through this message, we will not only learn more about Cain and Abel, but will be able to defend the authenticity of the Bible. This weekend’s message is titled “RIVALRY.”

Contend: Season Two by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we are revisiting the issue of the evidence we have for our faith and the truth of the Bible. We don’t have to operate on blind faith or be worried about scientific discoveries disproving the Bible. We can trust that God’s Word is true and that we have evidence to back it up.

Parenting IQ: Identity by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be focusing on adolescence. These years are a time of determining one’s identity and questioning the world around them. We’ll be taking a look at some common questions and misconceptions regarding student ministry and be reminded of the importance of reaching our teens. This weekend’s message is titled “PARENTING IQ: IDENTITY.”

Parenting IQ: Influential by Abidan Shah, PhD

This weekend, we will be focusing on the childhood years. Throughout Scripture, the importance of teaching and training children is emphasized. How we lead the children in our lives can help set them up for success and protect them from the influence of the world. This weekend’s message is titled “PARENTING IQ: INFLUENTIAL.”

Regeneration by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are turning a corner in our series. As we have learned, salvation is both a moment and process in the life of every believer. It involves a person going from being spiritually dead to being alive in Christ. But what does that mean? And how does it change the way we celebrate Easter? The title of this weekend’s message is “REGENERATION.”

Justification: Imputation

This weekend, we will be examining the process of salvation. We use the language of being saved or asking Jesus into your heart a lot, but what exactly is happening? As we will learn from this message, the process of justification involves Christ taking away our sins and giving us His righteousness so that we may be counted as blameless before God. The title of this weekend’s message is “JUSTIFICATION: IMPUTATION.”

Justification: Instruction by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will continue in our series as we head toward Easter. We will be taking a look at the law of God and its impact on the life of the believer. This is something that might be difficult for us to understand. Maybe you think of the law of God as being an Old Testament concept and that after Jesus, the Christian life was all about grace. While the grace of God is important, the law of God is not diminished. This weekend’s message is titled “JUSTIFICATION: INSTRUCTION.”

Justification: Indispensable by Dr. Abidan Shah

In the weeks leading up to Easter, we will begin new series focused on the cross and what Jesus has accomplished for us. Most believers have a very incomplete understanding of the cross. The concepts of salvation, justification, and atonement, however, are central to our faith. We will gain a better understanding of Christ’s work on the cross through this series titled “JUSTIFICATION.”

Abiding by Dr. Abidan Shah

ABIDING by Dr. Shah, Clearview Church, Henderson Introduction:  How many of yall remember the “Little Rascals.” I’m sure it is before all of our times, but we may have seen one or two episodes. One of the most well-known one is when Spanky decided to start an exclusive club called the “He-Man Woman-Haters Club.” This was... Continue Reading →

First Gospel: The Cure by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are taking a look at the events that have unfolded after the Fall. We know that God promised a Savior in Genesis and that He would crush the head of the Enemy. How did Christ’s birth fulfill all of this? How did the cross destroy the work of the Enemy? This weekend’s message is titled “THE CURE.”

Operation Restore by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are beginning a very special two-part miniseries on marriage. We see in Genesis that God created marriage to be a beautiful union between a husband and wife, but very quickly things begin to fall apart. In this series, we will examine what went wrong and how we can work to get back to God’s original design for marriage. The title of this weekend’s message is “OPERATION RESTORE PART ONE.”

Re-Created: Part 2 by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we are continuing our study of being created male and female. Gender dysphoria, gender identity, and transgenderism are big topics of debate in society. The push is to regard truth as subjective and relative to each individual. But it matters that God has designed us as male and female. The title of this weekend’s message is “RE-CREATED PART 2.”

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