Inside Out by Abidan Shah, PhD

We are often our own worst enemies when it comes to our interactions with others. God’s Word, however, reminds us that there is hope. Through Christ, we can build meaningful relationships and reflect God’s character to those around us. Throughout this series, we will deal with internal issues that make it difficult for us to connect and interact with others. The goal will be at the end of this series to make Christ visible in our relationships!

Catching Zs (Article)

CATCHING Zs (Article) by Abidan Shah, PhD (Published in the newspaper Daily Dispatch, Henderson on March 24, 2023) No, I’m not referring to taking a nap. I’m referring to understanding and reaching the generation born between 2000-2015, otherwise known as Z. They are often mislabeled, misunderstood, and mocked. Parents want to know how to motivate... Continue Reading →

FUTURE AND HOPE (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

Last month Americans all across the land proved with their ballots that they were dissatisfied with the direction of our country. What is being called “one of the greatest political shakeups in history” is a glimpse into the soul of the real USA. Americans have overwhelmingly declared that they do care about the economy, security, and morality of their country. They do want a better world for their children and grandchildren. Once again they are seeing a future and a hope. These are indeed exciting times in our nation’s history. Along with the other positive changes, here are some more that we cannot afford to ignore:


Many of you are wondering – “Who are the iYs?” They are the younger group of Generation Y or the Millennials, born between 1991-2001. Unlike the older Ys, the iYs have a very different mindset. We cannot afford to ignore or be ignorant about them any longer because they will soon be the largest demographic in the US. In fact, about half the world’s population will be 25 years old or younger, which social scientists are calling the “youth bulge.” They warn that any time there is a surge in youth population, there will also be a rise in violence. The rise in group violence in America and across the globe in recent years is proof that it has already begun! What can we do? To start with, we need to understand what made them the way they are.

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