Essential by Dr. Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will begin a brand new series in the book of Ephesians. This series will not only show us the importance of the church in our own lives, but how it shapes and molds our family relationships as well. The title of this new series is “ESSENTIAL.” 

Word Perfect by Dr. Abidan Shah

Let’s take the time to evaluate our words and make the necessary changes. As the Holy Spirit fills our heart with truth and mercy, there will be a change in how we speak to others. Are you aware of the power your words hold? Are you reflecting Christ in the way you speak to others or post online? Do your words point people to Christ? Are you saved? Invite your friends and family to come worship with us this weekend!

Envious Mind by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will take a look at another roadblock to having the mind of Christ: an “ENVIOUS MIND.” When you are constantly looking at others and comparing yourself or what you have, the process of God working in your heart is halted. Envy is the enemy of unity in the church and working together for the sake of the gospel.

Fearful Mind by Pastor Abidan Shah

This weekend, we will begin a miniseries within MIND RESET that takes a look at the roadblocks to having the mind of Christ. There are mindsets that need to be removed in order for us to allow God to work in us. The first roadblock we will look at this weekend is the “FEARFUL MIND.”

Changing Seasons of A Marriage (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

CHANGING SEASONS OF A MARRIAGE (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah (Published in the newspaper Daily Dispatch, Henderson on February 3, 2018)  Genesis 8:22 “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season…” We all have our favorite seasons.... Continue Reading →

HOW TO HANDLE TOXIC PEOPLE – Part 2 (Article) by Abidan Paul Shah

My last article, “How To Handle Toxic People,” drew more responses than any of my pervious articles! Evidently, it touched a nerve and God used it to meet a real need. Thank you for all the words of appreciation! Some of you raised a question that I feel the answer may benefit others as well – “Daily we go through minor toxic encounters that leave us feeling upset to one degree or another. Does that mean that for each of those incidents we have to go through the same process of praying for 20 days until we are free of the toxin?” Of course not. Toxic people and minor toxic encounters are two different things. The first are individuals who perpetually cause us to feel miserable and the second are chance happenings that inject just enough toxin in us to ruin our spirit. Although the latter are not as harmful as the former, don’t assume that they are completely harmless. If left untreated, those emotional fender-benders can cause us to ruin others’ spirits as well. Let me explain below.

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