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(Published in the newspaper Daily Dispatch, Henderson on December 5, 2015)

Dear Candidates,

Thank you for your desire to lead our great nation! We can only imagine the toll this has taken on you and your loved ones.

Let’s get right to it – You are running for the job because you agree that something is broken with our nation and you have the answer to fix it. If you think everything is just fine, then you’re out of touch with the American people. Frankly, the worst thing that our citizens can do is put you in the office! But, if your desires are noble, then the question is – “what do you think is broken with our nation?”

Here are some things that are not broken:

  1. Our American Spirit – We don’t need a President who feels that he has to constantly apologize to the world on our behalf. Most of us are very proud of our great nation! We have things to work on but it’s not our spirit. We think John Wayne said it best – “Sure, I wave the American flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? Sure, I love my country with all her faults. I’m not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be.”
  2. Our American Values – Our nation was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. The freedoms and dignity that we continue to enjoy are hinged on them. We need a President who will uphold and protect them. If you set out to revise them, you will destroy our very foundation. As Proverbs 22:28 warns, “Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set.”
  3. Our American Dream – There’s no such thing as the Russian dream or Chinese dream or Swedish dream. It’s only in America that you can chart the course of your life. People may complain of injustice and unfairness but having lived overseas, I can assure you that this is still the land of opportunity. Please don’t communicate entitlement or hopelessness to our young people. They need to believe that if they work hard, their dreams can become a reality.

Here are some things that need to be fixed:

  1. Our Image before Our World – In the past few years it appears that America has lost the respect it once had before other countries. Some may ask – “Why do we deserve any special treatment?” or “What’s wrong with taking a backseat?” Remember the adage – “When the cat’s away, the mice will play.” The reason wicked men are running amuck and rogue nations are threatening nuclear war is because the leader of the free world is nowhere to be found. Now the inmates are running the asylum! Our world needs us to lead again. Luke 12:48 reminds us, “to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” We need a President who will restore our position as the force for good.
  2. Our Faith in Our Government – If you ask most Americans, they will tell you that we have become uncomfortable with the growing infringement on our freedoms and values. We have to ask – “What is the role of our government?” It is to protect our life, liberty, and property. It is to punish those who infringe on the rights of others, get restitution for the victims, and care for those who are really in need. Most importantly, it is obligated to defend us against foreign and domestic threats. When law-abiding and tax-paying citizens become leery of the government, something is terribly wrong! Romans 13:3 is the litmus test of good government – “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil.” We need a President who will restore our trust in our leaders again.

If you feel you are up for this task, our prayer is that God will give you the wisdom of Solomon to lead these United States.

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